Oh, and in case you wondered; fixed sprint length IS a well-documented best practice of Scrum [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10].
Sprints best have consistent durations.... A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint [1].
Some common reasons why a team would want to alter the sprint cadence now and then:
- Vacations.
- Important deadlines/releases.
- Unforeseen issues taking up a lot of time of the sprint.
- Now able to complete important user-stories to be released.
- Staff unavailable (sick team members etc.)
Here is the full list of why you should stick to a fixed length sprints (fixed cadence):
1. Improve coordination with the rest of the organization
It will be easier for everyone to know what kind of Sprint phase the team is in (e.g. planning, development, testing, reviewing). This predictability allows for better coordination and planning throughout the organization. The entire organization can self-organize around this rhythm.It also helps you to steer expectations. With a fixed length sprint everyone (PO, management, customers, users, and other stakeholders) will know when they can expect new updates. They will know that a new updates typically comes every 3 weeks (or whatever your sprint length is).
2. Save time planning and booking meetings
With a fixed sprint length you can schedule and make plans more easily. A sprint is always the same length, that's it. Now you can schedule Scrum events for the next year ahead and you can do it in one go. You will have less overhead in planning because you don't have to negotiate what should be the sprint length each time, you don't have to make complicated man-days calculations and you don't have to change all future sprints because you changed the length of the current sprint.
Since you can schedule meetings in advance, people can plan their appointments around the Sprint events, rather than sprints being tweaked to fit the calendar of key team members or stakeholders.
3. Better quality
In general a fixed-length sprint will remove variability and this will lead to more predictability, stability, better flow, better and more sustainable work environment, less chaos. This of course leads to higher quality.4. More effective work with better flow
With fixed length sprints it is much easier to get into a flow of doing all the Scrum related events such as backlog grooming, retrospectives, sprint reviews. With a predictable schedule you don't have to think about these events. When is the next meeting, will there even be one?Without this fixed start and stop you may be tempted to move the start and stop date. You might even delay starting the next sprint long after the previous one ended. Beginner Scrum teams in this situation might not schedule the sprints for the months ahead but instead just start a new sprint when it makes sense. Before you know it you skip a retrospective and have to do sprint planning in the middle of a sprint. All this leads to more unpredictability, questions, chaos and less flow which eventually results in lower performance of the team.
5. Improve estimates
Empiricism [10]. If the sprint length varies from sprint to sprint, then the amount of work accomplished in each sprint tells you next to nothing about what to expect in future sprints. If you know there are many vacation days coming up in the next sprint you are better off continuing with the regular sprint length/cadence, be it with fewer actual work days and just disregard the burndown or dev velocity of that sprint.6. Enable continuous improvement
Sprints can more easily be compared. In Scrum we try to fix as many parameters as possible; Time, Quality, Resources are fixed but we change the work from sprint to sprint. By reducing the complexity down to just one adjustable parameter (backlog items) it will be easier to have discussions around opportunities for improving the process. The more variables you change the more complex the dynamics of the process will be and it will be much more difficult to compare sprints to improve the process. If you change multiple parameters around each sprint, how are you going to know for sure what actually contributed to things going better or worse?7. Improve ability to predict when future features will be released
The organization or customer will know how long it will take to get new releases out the door if suddenly a new feature absolutely has to be introduced as soon as possible. E.g. If the team is in the middle of a sprint and the sprint length is 3 weeks it will take about 5 weeks to see the newly requested feature in production. If the sprint length is variable it would be far less obvious when you could expect the new feature.For products planned several sprints down the road it would be even more unpredictable without a fixed length iteration.
Velocity (the rate at which a team delivers stories from the product backlog) is useful in forecasting when capabilities can be deployed and available to end users. Without fixed-length sprints, any measure of “work accomplished” is useless in forecasting. Alternatively you will have to make adjustments in the calculations of velocity based on the sprint length. These sorts of calculations become a waste of time as they are hard to get exact and just add extra work to the Scrum master. You can never hope to be 100% precise on task estimates so Velocity will never be exact science anyway. By having fixed length sprints you reduce one source or error in calculating velocity. Keep it simple, stay lean and pragmatic. Aim for predictability and simplicity and forecasting will be easier and less time consuming.
Sure there will always be holidays, sick days, etc. If a sprint has less resources you simply commit to less [5]. You calculate how many man hours is available and plan the scope accordingly. You may now say that this will affect velocity and number of storypoints delivered for these sprints will be lower. Yes and that is fine because you know the reason why. In the Velocity-over-time-graph you can just make a small note about vacation etc. when velocity had a dip. If you know most of the sprint is going to be all messed up because too many people are away you can also decide for the team to do something completely different. You could let developers take the sprint off doing courses, prototypes etc.
8. Improve team motivation
Fixed length sprint helps the team to deliver continuously and provides a sense of accomplishment at the end of every sprint. The team also commit to a chunk of work at the start of the sprint. The team gets motivated to deliver as they themselves committed to doing the work.With fixed length sprints you have predictability and the team feels more at ease. People like to have routines and familiarity [5]. Fixed length sprints contribute to discipline, habits and traditions that creates team identity. "This is our team and this is how we do it." This again strengthens cohesion and team spirit, which is important for highly effective teams.
If Scrum events falls on random days of the week every sprint then it is hard to build good habits.
9. Accountability
Fixed length sprints with reviews at the end of the sprint encourages the team to deliver on the sprint review. Without a fixed sprint calendar the chance of skipping reviews gets much bigger. Without this regular review delivery the team may procrastinate, get caught up in coding what is fun rather than sticking to the plan or get distracted by other things. Developers don't want to look bad so they will deliver when it is demo time.10. Better planning of backlog and roadmap
PO can better prioritize and split user stories now that meaningful data on velocity can be accumulated from sprint to sprint. PO can use this velocity as a guide to plan upcoming sprints.11. Essential for multi team synchronization and alignment
When you scale to multiple dev teams doing Scrum (co-located or not) contributing to the same solution or product, it is obvious that synchronizing the teams will be more effective [6].If the different teams operate with different Sprint lengths it goes without saying that the teams will not be in sync.
Scrum is all about delivering software in regular intervals to enable fast feedback and to get a effective cadence for the team. Variable Sprint lengths may seem like a good idea, especially in the short term, but in the long run it will be devastating to the progress of a team. There will always be sprints with holidays and sickness but the show must go on. Do not postpone sprints or adjust the length of the sprint, just keep moving and avoid unnecessary chaos by accepting that some sprints will have lower velocity.References
[1] http://www.scrumguides.org/docs/scrumguide/v1/Scrum-Guide-US.pdf[2] http://www.infoq.com/minibooks/scrum-xp-from-the-trenches
[3] http://www.agilitysw.com/blog/31-scrum-whys-fixed-length-sprints
[4] http://books.google.no/books?id=3vGEcOfCkdwC (page 67)
[4] http://books.google.no/books?id=3vGEcOfCkdwC (page 67)
[6] http://scaledagileframework.com/sprint-execution/
[7] http://www.agileadvice.com/2013/05/15/referenceinformation/the-rules-of-scrum-every-sprint-is-the-same-length
[8] http://blogs.telerik.com/agile-blog/posts/13-09-11/the-importance-of-timeboxing-and-iterations-for-agile-planning
[9] https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2012/january/a-sprint-is-not-a-mini-waterfall
[7] http://www.agileadvice.com/2013/05/15/referenceinformation/the-rules-of-scrum-every-sprint-is-the-same-length
[8] http://blogs.telerik.com/agile-blog/posts/13-09-11/the-importance-of-timeboxing-and-iterations-for-agile-planning
[9] https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2012/january/a-sprint-is-not-a-mini-waterfall
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